What is Transradial Angiogram?
An angiogram is a diagnostic tool used to detect narrowing, blockage or bulging of blood vessels in the head, arms, chest, back, belly and legs. The test involves injection of a color dye through a catheter (long tube) inserted through a small incision in a blood vessel followed by X-rays to take pictures of the blood vessels across the body. An angiogram performed through the radial artery, an artery in the wrist, is termed transradial angiogram.
Procedure of Transradial Angiogram
Transradial angiogram is performed under local anesthesia. It takes about an hour to complete and is an outpatient procedure. Your surgeon makes an incision over your wrist and inserts a catheter into the radial artery, which is guided through the artery with the help of X-ray imaging. Once the catheter has reached the site to be examined, your doctor passes a colored dye and images of the flow of this dye are captured to detect blockages or clots in the blood vessels. The catheter is removed and pressure is applied on the insertion site to stop bleeding.
Complications of Transradial Angiogram
Like all procedures, transradial angiogram may be associated with complications such as allergic reaction to the contrast dye, bleeding, infection and pain at the incision site, and damage to the blood vessels. Two other complications may be specific to transradial angiogram - radial artery occlusion (blockage of the radial artery) and radial artery spasm (narrowing due to contractions in its muscular walls).